Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Hey guys, i am in otavalo in the middle of my spanish classes. i usually have four hours of class a day, but today i have 8 hours. (I am not having classes on friday) I have learnded so much and my spanish is improving rapidly. THere is a change of plans for travel though. I am going to go to quito to see if I can get a ticket to the juego de EL Nacional y Barcelona for a cheap price. (This game is a big rivalry.) If I can I will be in 45.000 estadio with other El Nacional fans on Saturday. That is only if I can get it cheap, then after the game I plan to go to Baños. If I can´t work it out then I´ll just go to Baños. But anyways just to give you guys an update. I only have a little more than 2 weeks (muy triste). Oh wait, let me tell you about the family i am staying with. I am staying with a older couple in un barrio in otavalo. Also one of their daughters lives with them along with her son. They are really nice and can be very funny. Anyways I have to go I have another four hours of spanish in, actually right now, anyways hasta luego.


Anonymous said...

haha! some of the best soccer, huh? glad to know you're having an enjoyable time! two more weeks! live it up! and stay safe as you're romping around the country! =) take care!


Anonymous said...

Wait....4 hours of spanish class a day? Heck, 8 hours!?!! None of my college classes are even that intense! Dang, "learning spanish"...I'd say! Hahah. But speaking of spanish, it seems I'm misunderstanding some. You're "planning" to go to the bathrooms after the game, or just go to the bathrooms instead? Hmm, quaint, quaint.